Monday, November 30, 2015

Ok, Let's Try This #MicroBlogMonday Instead

So. The NaBloPoMo thing really didn't work out for me this month.

It was a combination of life, work and... life! I would have liked to have stuck to the commitment and followed through. I really do. And I'll probably try this again. And do it to the best of my abilities and hope it works out a little bit better!

So, I did see this from BlogHer's Mel. Her Micro-blogging Monday topic hit me. So. Let's discuss!

Here's the topic:

If you live in the US, what did you say that you were thankful for(at Thanksgiving)? And if you don’t live in the US, it’s a nice practice to pause from time to time and reflect on what makes you grateful so join along. What is on your list?

I am thankful that I was able to spend the day with my incredibly amazing parents. They have had a year. I'm glad to have them here. I will forever appreciate their love, support, guidance ... friendship. They are wonderful people. And those words don't seem enough.

I am thankful for my job.

I am thankful to be fairly healthy.

I am thankful for my extended family.

And, I am thankful for friends who have become like family to me.
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